Searchresults for how

  • Mühlweg Vienna Receives Best Architect Award

    ...wood or wood hybrid construction. How much wood can the city tolerate, or how much wood does the buyer or tenant of an apartment tolerate? Do the houses remain empty when a gradually greying larch wood facade defines the outer...

  • Awarded 1st place for the new Zünd Systemtechnik project in Altstätten

    ...however, there are conceptual questions as to how far this open ventilation zone cannot lead to uncontrollable turbulence on the three floors. The facade proposal is interesting, with two window strips per floor. While the lower window is at the...

  • Ground breaking ceremony for ASZ Vorderland exemplary effect – not least by clearly showing how sustainable solutions can be found and implemented in Vorarlberg through community cooperation. If we cooperate across community boundaries, then we can do more. Together, we can work more efficiently, conserve...

  • Gold for Klimaaktiv flagship development Unterstein in Langenegg

    ...and 7 buildings from Vorarlberg were awarded for their innovative and environmentally friendly construction in accordance with Klimaaktiv standards. “There is immense potential in the building sector for climate protection. The excellent Klimaaktiv projects impressively showcase how these possibilities can...

  • Architekten Hermann Kaufmann presents their latest book “Hermann Kaufmann IZM – Illwerke Zentrum Montafon” was presented at the IZM. At the event the architecture journalist and editor Marko Sauer spoke about the special features of the building and described how this development found its creative realisation....

  • Illwerke Zentrum Montafon receives first prize at the 2015 materialPREIS categories. The diversity and high quality of the projects illustrates perfectly how creativity and material competence are stimulating each other. When receiving the first place award in the specialist category of Hybrid, the Jury at the materialPREIS 2015 said...

  • Exhibition Berlin Bauen mit Holz – Wege in die Zukunft (building with wood – ways into the future)

    ...change and it shows how conventional building materials can be replaced by the use of renewable resources. The exhibition is curated by Prof. Hermann Kaufmann in cooperation with Prof. Winfried Nerdinger from the Technical University of Munich. It is being...

  • School nominated for prestigious sustainable building award in Germany

    ...the ever changing ways in which modern education is carried out. The four buildings that form the school perfectly integrate into the landscape at the edge of the Augsburg Nature Park. The project shows how modular building and pre-manufacturing can...

  • Schmuttertal Gymnasium Diedorf wins the DGNB award Building Sustainable 2016 is carried out. The four buildings that form the school perfectly integrate into the landscape at the edge of the Augsburg Nature Park. The project shows how modular building and pre-manufacturing can be a cost-effective, sustainable, functional and beautiful....

  • Insight into the exciting YKK project in Japan - exclusive interview with the project team

    ...We have a local partner for this, the company Takeneka. Takeneka is also responsible for the implementation of the project, i.e., they are the general contractor. How does this project fit inside the client’s wide sustainability efforts? VR: The project...

  • We received the Austrian Green Planet Building® Award for the Brock Commons Tallwood House in Canada!

    Canadian high-rise building in solid wood construction with know-how from Austria At 53 meters, the Brock Commons Tallwood House in Vancouver, Canada, is one of the world’s tallest buildings in solid wood construction. Except for the base floor and an...

  • Hermann Kaufmann receives three Vorarlberg Timber Construction Awards

    ...building shows the ability to create a smart mixture of the materials. The second award win of the night went to the project ‘house R’ received, in the category ‘single-family house’. The jury said: “It is impressive how the wood...

  • Energy-Efficient Construction: Practice Well Advanced Compared to Regulations - Appeal by Hermann Kaufmann

    ...Philipp Stockklausner, Architect Prof. Hermann Kaufmann and Günter Morscher, CEO of Morscher Bau- und Projektmanagement GmbH, discuss how buildings can be designed, constructed, and heated with energy efficiency in mind. The interview in German can be watched here: media library...