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Informationsdienst Holz.de
Gemeindezentrum Ludesch
IWL Isar-Würm-Lech
LifeCycle Tower
Schmuttertal Gymnasium Diedorf
The Limits of Conceivable Evidence.
Our applied research is explicitly geared towards the practice of building and does not serve as an end in itself. We see buildings as our contribution to creating a sustainable society and promoting the sustainable design of living spaces. We do not want to rest on our many years of experience, but instead use them as a solid basis for our plan to leave a well-trodden path pursuing new innovative developments, with enthusiasm, celebrating the joy in discovery.
» My team and I want to try something new. We are not interested in just recreating what already exists without questioning it and developing it further. We always ask ourselves for every task: What can we do better? But that also means that we consciously choose to take well-considered risks and experiments. «
Univ.-Prof. Arch. DI Hermann Kaufmann
Building with timber is our domain. The careful processing of the renewable raw material is a clear sign of ecological responsibility and active climate protection. Every cubic meter of built-in timber binds the carbon of 1 tonne of CO2 from the atmosphere in the long term. We are specifically interested in the further development of construction processes. We are therefore working on the implementation of progressive timber construction systems that are characterised by their high degree of prefabrication.
Our commitment makes it possible to generate innovative specialist knowledge that we share with our project partners and an interested specialist public. In this way we can create ground-breaking designs in inspiring collaboration.
As architects, we see our tasks and qualifications primarily in checking concepts not only with regard to their technical and constructive feasibility, but also questioning them on a creative and formal level. Thanks to this familiarity with multi-layered thinking and decision-making methods, we can fall back on a broad portfolio of competencies in order to master the challenges of complex, innovative planning processes.