Gymnastics and Celebration Hall, Muntlix
Gymnastics and Celebration Hall, Muntlix

Project Information


  • Cooperation
    DI Christian Lenz
  • Project Leader
    Peter Hafner
  • Colleague
    DI Rolf Ennulat
    Wolfgang Bilgeri
  • Client
    Gemeinde Zwischenwasser



    Project Facts 2.100,00 m², GFA 2.520,00 m²,
    GBV 12.200,00 m³

    Text Hermann Kaufmann + Partner ZT GmbH,
    Translation Bronwen Rolls

    Photo Myrzik und Jarisch

    Project Stakeholders
    • Structural Engineering
      DI Paul Frick, Klaus
    • Heating Ventilation and Sanitary Planning
      BHM Ingenieure, Rankweil
    • Electronics Planning
      Ing. Wilhelm Brugger, Thüringen
    • Building Physics/Acoustics
      Ing. Karl Brüstle, Dornbirn

    Gymnastics and Celebration Hall, Muntlix

    The old schoolhouse in Muntlix was originally built in the 1960’s. The town took the opportunity to give the village, scattered over large area, an attractive centre suitable for varied purposes and celebrations.

    From the front, the hall is in keeping with the neighbourhood of large farmhouses, barns and smaller sheds, which line the village street. The timber cladding also corresponds to the buildings of the region. From the light, almost elegant area created with a ‘glass cube’ under the canopy that houses the cafeteria terrace, it is easy to see that it is a public building.

    To the south, the hall is flanked by a massive extension which is separated from the main building with a glass-roofed channel. In the basement are the workroom, library and bar. On the hall level above it are the kitchen, cafe and storage rooms. Stairs and bridges on both floors make the connection between the separate components of the complex.  The building functions incredibly well, and has to as it houses the changing uses of the schools and clubs, the management of the hall as a venue and the storage of the gymnastic equipment. In terms of design, the hall body remains untouched, because all the serving rooms are housed in the separate new wing.

    The exposed concrete wall of the service area is the view from the hall, the front of which is fully glazed. On the opposite side is a large window that gives the view across to the green. Daylight is provided via a box-like skylight over the entire longitudinal axis. The stage is hidden behind the eastern end wall and can be folded out as and when needed. Across the hall entrance are a narrow auditorium and a control room.


    • Holzbaupreis Vorarlberg
    • Gemeindesaal Muntlix
      ZN Z-047, baumeister, 1/1996, S. 40-43
    • Neue Beispiele für kreativen und wirtschaftlichen Holzbau
      ZN Z-074, Hermann Kaufmann, Bündner Wald "Holz ein Brennstoff als Baustoff", 2/97, S. 65-70
    • Gemeindesaal in Muntlix
      ZN B-001, Neue Architektur in Vorarlberg, S. 144-147