Project Information
Bmst. Ing Norbert Kaufmann
Bmst. Wolfgang Elmenreich
Bmst. Ing Norbert Kaufmann
Kaufmann Anton, Reuthe und Gerold Ölz, Dornbirn
Project facts 1.900,00 m², GFA 2.300,00 m²,
GBV 5.475,00 m³
Text Hermann Kaufmann + Partner ZT GmbH,
Translation Bronwen Rolls
Photo Ignacio Martinez
- Structural Engineering
merz kaufmann partner gmbH, Dornbirn - Heating Ventilation and Sanitary Planning
GMI Ingenieure, Dornbirn - Electronics Planning
Hecht Elektroplanung, Rankweil - Building Physics/Acoustics
DI Dr. Lothar Künz ZT GmbH, Hard
Ölzbündt, Dornbirn
The long structure lies on a narrow plot of land on the north-eastern outskirts of Dornbirn, in Austria. The square, elongated, three-story building is clad with larch which emphasises the structure’s volume. The balconies on the western side, along the tree-lined walkways, are made of slender steel struts with timber planking, differentiating the main structure and adjacent outer spaces. The stairway is the third structural element and its individuality is created by its glass shell.
A single family residential unit that is integrated in the large overall shape occupies the southern segment. Exterior space was added to the building in the form of multi-level balconies. On the inside, the residential floor section is protected against fire and acoustically insulated by a cement wall. The twelve apartments are compactly organised. Each of the units has either two or three rooms and all apartments feature a large room that makes use of the full depth for cooking, dining and living.
The narrow tall windows, with their deep sills and the almost 0.5 meter thick outer walls, give the building a feeling of being a vast space despite the cost-efficient construction method that was used. Timber is not intended for provisional purposes here, it is meant for sustained use. In addition to the larch used on the weather boarding, the building also features a canopy roof that acts as protection against the weather for the facade, in order to prolong its life-cycle without using protective treatments. Access to the subterranean parking garage and the stairs is possible from the north. However, a path leads from the uppermost tree-lined walkway, over a staircase and bridge, to the south as well. The building is also linked with its surroundings on this side.
The three-story, integral structure is primarily made of timber components that are finished as prefabricated elements by a workshop, for a grid measuring 2.40 meters. This allowed them to be assembled quickly on-site. Bonded timber panels, three-layer panels, plywood and solid timber planking were employed according to their structural characteristics, weather resilience and even design criteria. Economic considerations also played a major role in these decisions. The hollow, box-shaped roof elements were filled with gravel for sound damping and plasterboard panels were used on the interior. Heating elements were not necessary due to the good heat insulating properties of the outer walls. No more then 26 kWh/Btu per square meter per year is necessary since the building features individually adjustable ventilation, heat exchangers and uses residual energy efficiently. Photovoltaic panels on the roof generate hot water.
The energy concept makes use of the very well insulated, sealed building shell, making it possible to heat incoming air even if it is a minimal amount of air that is circulated. Compact, individually adjustable devices control the ventilation and heating in every apartment. Fresh air is heated to minimum of 0° centigrade by the geothermic heat exchanger in each building. Up to 60 per cent of the residual heat can be recycled via a plate heat exchanger. A small heating pump increase the incoming air temperature to a maximum of 40° centigrade. However, it is still possible to vent additional air via the windows.
Project Plans
- Haus der Zukunft – BM für Wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten
2000 (Preis) - Arge Alp Umweltpreis silber
2000 - Vorarlberger Hypo-Bauherrenpreis
1998 - Holzbaupreis Vorarlberg
1997 (Preis)
- Wohnalage Ölzbündt
ZN B-006, Mehrgeschossiger Holzhausbau, S.123, 124 - Wohnungsbau in Dornbirn
ZN Z-001, baumeister, 10/1997, S. 18-23 - Subtile Architektur einer hölzernen Welt
ZN Z-005, architektur & wirtschaft, 12/1997, S.103-107 - Baukasten für Architekten
ZN Z-007, architektur aktuell, H. 209, 11/1997, S. 98-107 - Passivhaus
ZN Z-008, Translation, Dokum. Sommerakademie Murau 97, S. 28-29 - Die Fenster beleiben zu
ZN Z-009, Das Haus, 3/98, S. 64/65 - Schritt für Schritt
ZN Z-010, architektur, holzbau, 4/1998, S.40-47 - Wohnalage Ölzbündt
ZN Z-015, Pro Holz Österreich, 1.Aufl.98, S. 44-47 - Wohnanlage Ölzbündt in Dornbirn
ZN Z-016, Architektur + Wettbewerbe, 175, Sept. 1998, S. 30-35 - Ein Holzbau in Vorarlberg
ZN Z-017, Jan Capol, Hochparterre, 03/1998, S. 12-17 - Mehrgeschossige Wohnanlage in Holz- und Passivhaus- Bauweise
ZN Z-018, Projektreport 8 - Housing Project Ölzbündt
ZN B-016, architecture in austria, S.306-307 - Wohnalage Ölzbündt
ZN B-017, Wohnmodelle Bayern, S. 36,37,45-49 - Wohnanlage Ölzbündt in Dornbirn
ZN Z-002, DBZ, 4/99, S. 37-44 - Drei Geschosse mit Passivhaus- Standard
ZN Z-003, Der Zimmermeister, 7-8/1999, S.40-43 - Ölzbündt
ZN Z-011, - Wärmebrücken, Luft- u. Winddichte, Energie Tirol 1999, S. 63 - Mut für Innovation
ZN Z-004, Der Zimmermeister, (A), 4/2000, S. I - Holzbau hat die nase vorn
ZN Z-006, Mikado, 12/2000, S. 64-65 - Wohnanlage Ölzbündt
ZN Z-013, Haus der Zukunft, 2000, S. 6-7 - Longements collectifs experimentaux
ZN Z-019, sequences bois, 32 /2000, S. 14-15 - Haus der Zukunft 2000 – Preisträger, Auszeichnungen, Anerkennung
ZN Z-070, Haus der Zukunft, Impulsprgramm Nachhaltig Wirtschaften, 2000, S. 4-9 und 20-21 - Logements collectivs a Dornbirn
ZN B-019, Dominique Gauzin-Müller, L' Architecture Écolo Gique, S 142-147 - Kaufmann
ZN B-020, Teske / Uhlig / Kupferschmid, Preiswerter Wohnungsbau in Österreich, S. 146-149 - Purismus made in Austria
ZN Z-014, Architektur & Wohnen, 3/2001, S. 163-164 - Mehrgeschossiger Holzbau – WA Ölzbündt
ZN Z-077, Holzbulletin 59/2001, Mehrgeschossiger Holzbau S 954-957 - Analyse WA Ölzbündt
ZN Z-079, Sabine Ziegler, Zulassungsarbeit - Kostenlose Wärme
ZN Z-089, Doris Kornitzer, Wohnforum Nr. 15/24, Raiffeisen Bausparkasse, S. 7 - Neubau Wohnanlage Ölzbündt
ZN Z-091, Baukunst und Energieeffizienz, Symposium 2002, S. 45-51 - Résidence Ölzbündt, Dornbirn
ZN Z-098, Dominique Gauzin-Müller, A+ Arcitecture+Urbanisme+Design+Art - Résidence expérimentale Ölzbündt à Dornbirn
ZN Z-100, d´Architecture Nr. 128/April S.33 - Wohnalage Ölzbündt
ZN B-034, Bernhard Kolb, Nachhaltiges Bauen in der Praxis, S. 131-133 - Holz – ein universeller Baustoff
ZN Z-108, Hermann Kaufmann, Detail, Bauen mit Holz 1/2 2004, S.14 - Holzspanplatte
ZN B-027, Ambrozy / Giertlova, Planungshandbuch Holzwerkstoffe, S. 160-161, 186-187 - Ölzbündt Dornbirn
ZN B-033, Jakub Kyncl, Living in the city, Era Group, S. 124-127 - Residential projekt, dornbirn
ZN Z-118, World Architecture, 8/2005, S. 52-57 - Economiser l´energie, ne pas morceler les espaces, ne pas multipier les materiaux
ZN B-037, Ouvrage publics & Cout Global, S. 72-73 - Energieeffizientes Bauen und Sanieren in den Alpen
ZN Z-125, Energieeffizientes Bauen und Sanieren in den Alpen, S. 71, S.75, S. 80 - WA Ölzbündt
ZN B-072, Architektur in Österreich im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert, S. 369