Project Information
Bmst. Ing Norbert Kaufmann
Wolfgang Bilgeri
Bmst. Ing Norbert Kaufmann
Vogewosi, Dornbirn
Project facts 1.800,00 m², GFA 2.074,00 m²,
GBV 6.932,00 m³
Text Hermann Kaufmann + Partner ZT GmbH,
Translation Bronwen Rolls
Photo Bruno Klomfar
- Structural Engineering
merz kaufmann partner GmbH, Dornbirn - Heating Ventilation and Sanitary Planning
Michael Gutbrunner, Dornbirn - Electronics Planning
Peter Hämmerle, Lustenau - Building Physics/Acoustics
DI Dr. Lothar Künz ZT GmbH, Hard - Green Space Planning
DI Barbara Bacher, Linz
Neudorfstraße, Wolfurt
Neudorfstrasse has been developed by a housing society in Vorarlberg, three years after the completion of the privately-financed “Ölzbündt” estate. The development is built in a manner similar to its predecessor. The 25 apartments and condominiums are the first affordable housing project in Vorarlberg to be built as a multi-story timber structure.
»The journey to finding the important balance between economics and aesthetes guided this project to both an affordable and pleasing conclusion.«
Univ.-Prof. Arch. DI Hermann Kaufmann
The two buildings sit inside a neighbourhood of single family homes and align themselves with the scale and fabric of the surroundings, especially through the balconies and the beams made of plain-sawn wood, the walk ways, and facade with a timber frame. The design is particularly economic, using ceilings made of glue laminated timber with supporting transverse walls, and facades built with a post and beam structure.
Compared to “Ölzbündt” many of the same features are visible, including the compact, well insulated volume, floor-to-ceiling windows, continuous roof projections, as well as thermally separated reinforced timber balconies and access galleries.
This building does not feature as many prefabricated components as in the “Ölzbündt” project. In addition, the mechanical systems have been scaled down in order to comply with standards for affordable housing.
- Vorarlberger Hypo-Bauherrenpreis
2001 - Holzbaupreis Vorarlberg
2001 (Auszeichnung)
- Mehrgeschossiger Holzbau – WA Neudorfstraße
ZN Z-077, Evelyn Carola Frisch, Holzbulletin 59/2001 - Ein roter Faden aus Holz
ZN Z-078, Ryll Christine, Deutsche Bauzeitschrift 10/2001 S. 127 - Vingt-quatre logements sociaux à Wolfurt
ZN Z-101, d´Architecture Nr. 130, S. 24 - Complesso residenziale Neudorfstrasse
ZN Z-109, Walter Zschokke, Beatrice Spirandelli, l´architettura naturale, Nr. 21/2004, S. 26-31 - Wohnanlage Neudorfstrasse
ZN B-028, Nina Baisch, Architekturführer Bodensee, S. 152-153 - Wohnanlage Neudorfstraße
ZN B-059, Fassaden aus Holz, S. 90-91