Greussinghof, Lauterach
Greussinghof, Lauterach

Project Information


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Elmar und Ursula Greußing



Project facts 230,00 m², GFA 769,00 m²,
GBV 856,00 m³

Text Hermann Kaufmann + Partner ZT GmbH,
Translation Bronwen Rolls

Photo Ignacio Martinez

Project Stakeholders
  • Structural Engineering
    Mader & Flatz Ziviltechniker GmbH, Bregenz

Greussinghof, Lauterach

Variation of agriculture spaces creates economic diversity.

Agricultural construction is usually determined by insurmountable constraints, as well as by system providers, who are interested cost, but miss any architectural approach. Alternatives to this are appearing, designed for those that are enjoying little diversification.

The Greussing family does not run small farm like a standard meat and dairy producer, but rather tries to directly market alternative products that are produced and refined on the farm. This is served by the small farm shop, with an adjoining conservatory. A second revenue stream for the family is the apartments that allow holidays on the farm, as well as a small seminar room, which offers an extremely stimulating atmosphere for small groups. The construction is designed according to the building task in pure timber construction, with natural exterior cladding in fir timber and partly clay plastered walls.


  • Holzbaupreis Vorarlberg
    2001 (Auszeichnung)