Bicycle Bridge, Gaißau
Bicycle Bridge, Gaißau

Project Information


  • Project Leader
    Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung
  • Colleague
    Martin Rümmele
  • Client
    Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung, Bregenz



    Text Hermann Kaufmann + Partner ZT GmbH,
    Translation Bronwen Rolls

    Photo Ignacio Martinez

    Project Stakeholders
    • Structural Engineering
      DI Frank Dickbauer, Frastanz
    • Heating Ventilation and Sanitary Planning
      Kurt Düngler, Gaißau

    Bicycle Bridge, Gaißau

    A timber gateway.

    This bridge joins Gaißau and Reineck, connecting Switzerland with Austria. Here, at this point, a covered timber bridge is to be erected, symbolising the entrance into the timber construction region of Vorarlberg.
    Timber bridges are known to be the cheapest bridges to maintain. The supporting structure consists of two girders which are stretched and form the side walls of the bridge. Bridges are special places with a special meaning. Here you do not drive on a raised road over the river, but you pass through into a separate room, in a separate environment. Anyone who has walked on old, covered wooden bridges knows this feeling.
    The bridge construction is completely clad, offering a timber shell-like protect.


    • Holzbaupreis Vorarlberg
    • Ein roter Faden aus Holz
      ZN Z-078, Ryll Christine, Deutsche Bauzeitschrift 10/2001 S. 127
    • Brückenschlag in Holz
      ZN Z-081, Tschafgova Karin, Pro Holz Zuschnitt 2/2001, S 16-17
    • Gedeckte Velo-Brücke, Gaissau
      ZN Z-097, Holzbulletin 65/2002 Brücken und Wege, Dezember 2002
    • Holzbau auf der Überholspur
      ZN Z-095, Walter Tschokke, Der Standard, Rondo Spezial
    • Holz als Brückenschlag
      ZN Z-106, Andrea Fahrländer, Andreas Hoffmann, anthos, 04/2003, S. 22-25
    • Passerelle à Gaissau
      ZN Z-101, d´Architecture Nr. 130, S. 20
    • Ponte per pista ciclabile, Gaissau
      ZN Z-115, Pasinelli Patrizia, archi, 05/2004, S. 30-33
    • Footbridge Gaißau
      ZN Z-121, Bulletin N° 32, 2005, S. 132