Böhler Fenster, Wolfurt
Böhler Fenster, Wolfurt

Project Information


Böhler Fenster GmbH, Wolfurt



Project Facts
n.b.ar. 1.121,54 m², GFA 1.269,80 m²,
GBV 4.909,60 m³

Text Hermann Kaufmann + Partner ZT GmbH
Translation Bronwen Rolls
Photo Hermann Kaufmann + Partner ZT GmbH

Project Stakeholders
  • Structural Engineering
    Mader & Flatz Ziviltechniker GmbH, Bregenz
  • Heating Ventilation and Sanitary Planning
    GMI Ingenieure, Dornbirn
  • Electronics Planning
    Rist & Co GmbH, Wolfurt
  • Building Physics/Acoustics
    WSS Wärme- und Schallschutztechnik Schwarz, Frastanz

Böhler Fenster, Wolfurt

The next phase of a company’s development,  realised in timber.

The new hall represents a big developmental step for the traditional company Böhler Fenster in Wolfurt, Austria. A new product line requires a production space with a greater height and the new hall clearly demonstrates this.

The hall extension connects to the existing building via a simple join, creating a formal contrast. The large trusses are made from a simple glued laminate, which is also visible from the outside. A metallic outer skin protects the timber construction.