Project Information
VKW Bregenz, Dr. Mathis
Biomasse Heizwerk Lech GmbH & Co KG, Lech
Project Facts 22.400,00 m²
Biomasseheizwerk Lech
Biomass heating plant – extension 2021, Lech
Text Hermann Kaufmann + Partner ZT GmbH,
Translation Bronwen Rolls
Photo Ignacio Martinez
- Structural Engineering
merz kaufmann partner GmbH, Dornbirn
Biomasseheizwerk, Lech
The construction of the largest biomass heating plant in Austria in 1999 was a milestone in the history of Lech, Austria. The unusual location of the building, and its complex functional requirements, were decisive in the distinctiveness of this building at the entrance to the town.
»The architect was involved in the early stages of the decision-making process, making it possible to respond to the specific landscape. The role of the architect was more than the creation of the building.«
Builder Biomasseheizwerk Lech GmbH
An underground fuel bunker that houses the wood boiler, with its tipper hall connected, form the main elements of the building. It was the intention to make the heating technology visible. This building is designed to show that even so-called “functional buildings” with dedicated architectural designs can be an asset in the town-scape.
The use of biomass as a renewable energy source, and the use of state-of-the-art technology, have contributed significantly to the ecological development of the region.
- Preis für Neues Bauen in den Alpen
2006 - Vorarlberger Hypo-Bauherrenpreis
- Centrale termica a biomassa a Lech
ZN Z-110, Kaufmann Hermann, l´architettura naturale Nr. 23/2004, S. 56 ff - Biomasseheizwerk Lech
ZN B-045, Neues Bauen in den Alpen, Architekturpreis 2006, S. 292-299 - Biomasseheizwerk Lech
ZN B-055, Form&Energie, Architektur in_aus Österreich, S. 28-29 - Biomasseheizwerk Lech
ZN Z-218, Architettura alpina contemporanea, 2012, S.143