July 2015
Text Vorarlberger Holzbaupreis, Image Darko Todorovic

Vorarlberger Holzbaupreis 2015: Three prizes and three awards

Austria’s oldest timber construction prize, ‘Vorarlberg Holzbaupreis’, took place last night.  In its 11th year, the event was held in Poolba, Feldkirch and it saw the greatest architects and builders come together to celebrate excellence.  Over 130 objects had been submitted, from which the jury selected 18 awards in addition to the 13 recognised prize winners, in a total of eleven categories.

Architekten Herman Kaufmann is very proud to announce that we received 6 awards.

Krumbach Dorf – Multiple occupancy building prize
Illwerke Center Montafon – Mixed timber construction prize
Pfarrhaus Krumbach – Regional added value prize
Sicherheitszentrum Bezau – Public award
Wagner Nüziders – Mixed timber construction award
Geschosswohnbau 1958, Munich  – Work abroad award