July 2013
Text Vorarlberger Holzbaupreis, Image LCT ONE - LifeCycle Tower, Architekten Hermann Kaufmann

Hermann Kaufmann receives three Vorarlberg Timber Construction Awards

This year’s Vorarlberger Timber Construction Awards, in the category of ‘Mixed Timber Construction’, went to the LCT ONE – LifeCycle Tower. The jury said: “This project was a mastery of the meaningfulness of the hybrid construction. Every element of the building shows the ability to create a smart mixture of the materials.

The second award win of the night went to the project ‘house R’ received, in the category ‘single-family house’. The jury said: “It is impressive how the wood has been used in a constructive manner, for example on the exterior surfaces, and the project has been design and processed to an extremely high standard.”

In the “Public Building” category the project “Bushaltestelle Krumbach” was also a winner. The jury said: “The combination of spruce wood and laminated timber transforms this bus stop into a convincing and beautiful piece of furniture.”