February 2021

Our new book is at the printers.

We are eagerly awaiting the delivery from the printer. Our latest book “SCHRAUBENWERK MIT HOLZ – Plumbing the Limits of Hardwood”, author Marko Sauer, will be published soon and can now be pre ordered.

You can secure their copy here in advance.

The new production hall of the SWG screw factory in Gaisbach is pioneering for timber construction. The architecture sets new standards for the use of hardwood and re-explores the limits of this future-oriented, renewable building material.

Slender half-timbered structures give the factory building a filigree appearance, while the mighty supports divert enormous forces. There are innovative engineering and technological advances in every detail. The interplay of these factors resulted in a building that combines efficient floor plans, a pleasant atmosphere and sustainable construction in line with the corporate identity.

This screw factory shows the future potential for the use of timber in industrial construction. The project is comprehensively documented in this book, from different perspectives as well as in professional and technical depth.