January 2025
Text- und Bildrechte
Text Holzbaupreis Bayern, Foto Sebastian Schels | Tobias Hase/StMELF

Special award for our project B&O wooden multi storey car park, Bad Aibling

Jury’s statement

When necessary parking spaces are constructed as above-ground pallet or quarter garages instead of underground parking garages, it is a benefit for the environment and the flexibility of future reuse.

When this is done for the first time in structural timber construction, as in Bad Aibling, it represents pioneering work for the building of the future. The light-filled timber structure is protected against rainwater by clever details and is excellently crafted.

The construction of the building creates a convincing reference for the use of wood as a building material for technical infrastructure.

The Bavarian Timber Construction Award “Holzbaupreis Bayern” is a joint project of the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Forestry and proHolz Bayern, which is also supported by the Bavarian Chamber of Architects, the Bavarian Chamber of Engineers-Building, and the Bavarian Wood Council. The competition has been held every four years since 1978 and this year marks the eleventh time. It impressively demonstrates the diversity of design in timber construction.

[Holzbaupreis Bayern, April 2023]

We are very pleased to receive the special award and would like to thank everyone involved for their great collaboration.

Other parties involved:

Structural engineering
merz kley partner ZT GmbH, Donbirn

Timber construction
Eder Holzbau GmbH, Bad Feilnbach

Fire protection planning
Fire & Timber Ing., München

Landscape planning
Sabine Schwarzmann & Jochen Schneider, Rosenheim

For more information: B&O multi storey car park, Bad Aibling