February 2014
Text KYOCERA-Umweltpreis, Image Norman Radon

LCT ONE – LifeCycle Tower Receives the KYOCERA Environmental Prize 2014

The KYOCERA Environmental Prize, in collaboration with the German Environment Agency (DUH), the Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW), the Federal German Working Group for Environmentally Sound Management (BAUM eV), the Fraunhofer Institute for Labor and Organization (ILO), and the Chamber of Commerce Austria (WKO) was awarded on January 30th to a collection of prestigious winners. The KYOCERA environmental prize is a total of EUR 100,000.

More than 90 companies, organisations and authorities applied, submitting their sustainable, and innovation technological projects, in four different categories. In the “Arbeits- und Bürowelt” category, Austrian Cree GmbH won with their “LCT ONE -LifeCycleTower” project. This is a new, modular building system for high-rise buildings, which is based on the renewable resources of wood. The company has already implemented two office buildings in Austria.