November 2020
Text- und Bildrechte
Text NATURAL BUILDING LAB - constructive design and climate adaptive architecture, Bild Arch. DI Roland Wehinger

The Timber Construction Atlas adds Berlin-Brandenburg to its map

The Natural Building Lab of the Institute for Architecture at the TU Berlin, together with the Senate Department for Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, launched the Timber Construction Atlas Berlin-Brandenburg.

The atlas is the first digital platform in the greater Berlin area, on which around 70 innovative timber construction projects in the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region are displayed and locatable on an interactive map. Everyone can visit the website at holzbauatlas.berlin and get a comprehensive picture of contemporary and historical timber construction projects in the region.

Whether as a multi-storey residential building, modular school building or a 20-meter-wide hall, timber construction has been experiencing a new boom in the capital over the last few years. Due to the necessary turnaround in resources in the construction industry and the Zero Waste model of the State of Berlin, it is necessary that building with timber increases its importance in the public discussion about environmentally conscious and healthy building and digital manufacturing processes.

The aim of the Berlin Senate is to become resource-saving and climate-neutral by 2050.  Urban timber construction can make an important contribution to reducing the high environmental pollution caused by the construction industry and have a positive effect on the urban climate. Brandenburg is gaining a new relevance as a resourceful area for regional and circular planning and building. The Timber Construction Atlas Berlin-Brandenburg offers a platform for the current and important topic of sustainable building.

The project is based on the commitment of students at the Natural Building Lab at TU Berlin, who initiated the Timber Construction Atlas Berlin-Brandenburg in 2019 as part of a seminar. As a chair for climate-friendly building, the NBL works with teachers and students to develop future visions for environmentally conscious planning and building and, with the support of the Berlin Senate Department for Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, was able to further develop the academic project for the digital platform holzbauatlas.berlin

Visit the site and our project Britzer Garten environmental education centre, Berlin.