April 2023
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24.-25. April | Mission: Climate-friendly timber construction culture | Lecture Christoph Dünser

For the second time, the interdisciplinary congress “Three countries, one mission: Climate-friendly timber construction culture” will take place on 24 and 25 April in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance.
D-A-CH interdisciplinary congress “Three countries, one mission: climate-friendly timber construction culture” will take place for the second time in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance as part of the Baden-Württemberg timber construction offensive and in cooperation with vorarlberger holzbau_kunst, Proholz Bayern and Lignum Holzwirtschaft Schweiz.

Vanue: Graf Zeppelin Haus, Friedrichshafen

Lecture: Christoph Dünser, HK Architects
Day 2 at 11:30 | Topic: Structural building with hardwood

Tickets and further information at: proHolzBW