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  • Office Profile

    ...recreational areas, culturally unique (fairy-tale forest) and for some time, recognized as CO2 sinks.  Sustainable mixed forests ensure biodiversity. The forestry and timber sector can be a big employer; in Austria it’s greater than construction and gastronomy industries. CO2 balance...

  • Privacy Policy

    ...we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing within our website. Contact us If you contact us via the form on the website or by e-mail, your data will be stored for six months to process the...

  • 40th Anniversary I could and as well as people understood them. But not dogmatically. Perhaps a little more dogmatism would have been good sometimes. If we look to the future: What do you hope for the future of architecture and for...

  • Legal notice

    ...this website is for general information. For completeness, accuracy and timeliness, we assume no liability. We expressly reserve the right to change and update. External websites to which we link are beyond our control. We assume no liability for their...

  • Work with us

    ...actively support the project ‘Spagat’ from the Institute for Social Services, by providing a workplace for the professional integration of young people with a higher need for support. We offer a permanent employment relationship, which is remunerated through the collective...

  • Research

    ...what already exists without questioning it and developing it further. We always ask ourselves for every task: What can we do better? But that also means that we consciously choose to take well-considered risks and experiments. « Univ.-Prof. Arch. DI...