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  • 24.-25. April | Mission: Climate-friendly timber construction culture | Lecture Christoph Dünser offensive and in cooperation with vorarlberger holzbau_kunst, Proholz Bayern and Lignum Holzwirtschaft Schweiz. Vanue: Graf Zeppelin Haus, Friedrichshafen Lecture: Christoph Dünser, HK Architects Day 2 at 11:30 | Topic: Structural building with hardwood Tickets and further information at: proHolzBW...

  • New building in Neubaugasse

    ...buildings with 2-, 3- and 4-room flats + common room Number of storeys: E+3 (house A, B), E+2 (house C) 38 flats, 38 underground parking spaces Special features: Exterior walls + facade in wood Heating system: groundwater heat pump with...

  • Experts discuss the very best Timber has to offer

    ...the Blaha in Korneuburg. The lecture schedule includes special projects, such as the SWG screw production hall and the St. Michael training centre. Examples from residential construction are also included. From architects to structural engineers and students, everyone is invited...

  • Awarded 1st place in the bid for Russareal Lochau

    ...the Toni-Ruß-Straße is also four-stories but, due to the larger spaces between floors, has a slightly larger structure height. Due to the basic structure, it is possible that the existing open spaces of the urban development to the east are...

  • 1st prize for a proposed development of the former Spicher school

    Wohnbaugruppe Augsburg will build new apartments on the site of the former Spicher School in Pfersee. For this purpose, a competition was held in March. Our office will take over the planning of the housing complex with 70 apartments. The...

  • Hermann Kaufmann receives the Toni Russ Prize

    ...the rediscovery of the aesthetics of old woodworking and treatment methods. He went on then to say “An important part is the adaptation of space to suit the diverse living needs, the discovery of open spatial structures, which were very...

  • The Olpererhütte Ginzling receives the Best Architects Award 2009

    The “Best Architects 09” award received the highest number of entrants since the awards were founded. 189 outstanding projects were submitted to the award. This year’s jury found it particularly difficult to select the best of the best. A total...

  • The most beautiful books in Austria 2008: Hermann Kaufmann Woodworks

    ...considered excellent. With 211 submitted publications, from more than 100 publishers and designers, this year saw the largest number of entries. The competition “The most beautiful books in Austria” is annually published by the Federal Ministry of Education, the Arts...

  • Ceremonial inauguration of the Schmuttertal High School in Diedorf

    ...aspects in the design. In Diedorf, this was achieved through the use of optimised timber construction solutions and compliance with a defined energy specification. As a result, the plus-energy standard in timber construction, and the development of new solutions for...

  • klima: aktiv Gold for Multi-Apartment Construction in Sulzberg

    ...aktiv Bauen und Sanieren” found an absolute winner in this project. The multi-family dwelling achieved 979 points, the highest point number of all multi-family buildings in Austria so far and therefore exceeding the requirements of 900 points, making it a...

  • Hermann Kaufmann Awarded Bezau Assisted Living Development

    ...from the sun; they are also stylistically orientated to the shape and proportion of the existing agricultural nature of the plot. In the interior, however, spaces are created that enable quality, contemporary living and working. The interior space is determined...

  • Energy and Climate Protection: Particularly climate-friendly constructions honored – such as the project Unterstein, Langenegg

    ...Bau” – partly in collaboration with “Wohnbauselbsthilfe” with 10 projects – are the developers presenting the highest number of certified buildings this year. Among the honored buildings are also the last two winners of the State Prize, the office and...

  • Role Model Recycling Centre in Langerringen - Germany

    The Augsburg district will halve the number of recycling centers by 2035, particularly affecting smaller municipalities. One of the winners of the new distribution concept is Langerringen, where a modern environmental competence center is set to be established next year....